Improved service delivery for all.

Improving service delivery not only benefits constituents, but also benefits internal staff as well. By creating effective and efficient solutions whether it is permitting, inspections, code enforcement, administering housing programs, or complying with state laws, the Civico team has a proven track record of improving how cities work thereby creating a better public user experience and a less stressful work environment for staff.


Permitting. Inspections. Code Enforcement. Housing Programs. State Law compliance.


The Civico team will conduct a thorough business analysis and review of the permit process and provide an overview of the current process and areas where improvements can be made. In addition, we will conduct a historical analysis of permitting trends to offer a better understanding of where resources should be focused.

Inspections & Code Enforcement

With over 30 years of experience in the field conducting permit, infrastructure, and code enforcement inspections, the Civico team has first-hand knowledge to assist your community with determining inspection needs based on an analysis of inspection demand, resulting trends, areas of improvement and assistance with automation of inspection procedures. Our team has also developed creative solutions to address blight in various communities.

Housing Programs & State Law compliance

With over 15 years of experience in administering Housing programs, the Civico team is proficient in federal, state, and local housing laws. Our team holds State of California Lead certifications and have written ordinances relating to housing maintenance, enforcement of hazards, and development of proactive rental housing inspection programs.

Our Civico team includes a legislative analyst to review pending legislation that may affect a jurisdiction’s processes and can assist in the development of solutions and ordinances to equitably comply with state mandates.


The road to improving service delivery starts with a single step. Reach out to us and let us assist your community.